Smiland -Théâtre en anglais

Lundi 9 mai 2022 les élèves de 3èmes ont assisté et participé à un spectacle théâtral en anglais avec les compagnie Pickles


« Imaginez… une ville magnifique où votre vie est calme et ordonnée. Un foyer ? Tout le monde en a un. Un travail ? Il vous est donné par le gouvernement. Une histoire d’amour ? L’amour de votre vie est choisi pour vous afin qu’aucune erreur ne soit commise.
Et le raisonnement ? La critique ? Le doute ? Cela n’existe pas : tout à Smiland est comme ça pour que vous ne soyez jamais déçu. Et qu’en est-il de ces gens qui l’appellent Smogland ? Eh bien, ce ne sont que des fous qui sont dangereux pour la ville et pour le mode de vie de Smiland… »





Documents support

Smiland Summary – 2 pages

Smiland – Exercises – 1 page



Smiland Vocabulary – 2 pages



Actors – Students Roles & Audio 

Student 1 scene 6 :


Students 2 and 3 scene 7 :


Students 4 and 5 scene 9 :


Student 6 scene 11 :


The Characters :

SMILAND : Smiland is a city governed by an artificial intelligence, FAB (Fabulous Artificial Bliss). This city has never experienced sickness, strikes or war. Progress is not possible. The citizens in Smiland are accompanied by FAB’s voice, non stop. This makes life easier and more efficient. An automated world. Smiland residents are known by a simple identification number and not by a name which is common in other civilisations.

17FP : A young woman, strongly believes in Smiland’s ideology and in happiness for everyone. She gives her all at work. Success and recognition at work are the most important things for her. She wants to help others by using the Smiland laws.

04CR : A young man, ambitious and opportunistic. He will do anything to be promoted and to be regarded highly by the “powers that be” in Smiland.

14DA : A young woman, very romantic. She believes in the kindness of everyone and is very curious.

08GT : Also known as Lost Cause, he is the match that the Partner for Life system found for 14DA. A system put in place by the government in Smiland.

OGRE : The physical representation of Fabulous Artificial Bliss (FAB) who controls Smiland.

THE DISCONNECTEDS : Outside of Smiland, unknown to its citizens, a whole new world is being created. The Disconnecteds are the people who Smiland couldn’t control or who were against the government. They were thrown out of the city into the desert, left to die. Smiland is known as Smogland by the disconnecteds.

GEORGE : Leader of a group of Disconnecteds. He wants to free Smogland from the control of Fabulous Artificial Bliss (FAB)

JILL : A young woman who is part of the disconnected group.


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