Les élèves de 4A , 4D et 4E ont participé à un défi vidéo en anglais :
Special Edition ! Roleplay the investigation
Scenario / storyline
– What happened ? Where ? When ? Who ? What ?
– How many characters ? (between 2 and 3) a journalist, an investigator, a witness, a suspect ….
– Where does the scene take place ? at the police station, near the crime scene, at the TV studio, at the neighbours’, somewhere else …
– Who will play the different parts / roles ?
– Write the dialogue (ask for an evaluation)
– Memorize your part / role
– Rehearse your part / role
– Make a video and record the different parts / roles (between 1:30 and 3 minutes)
Voici la vidéo des gagnantes – Congrats! :